Have You Recently Experienced A Death of A Beloved Partner, Child , Relative or Friend?
Have You Experienced A Traumatic Loss Due to Negligence, Suicide or Homicide?
Is a Past or Present Loss In Your Life Causing You Deep Emotional Pain?
Loss Hurts At Our Deepest Core
When we lose something that we love or cherish deeply we will likely come to know our deepest pain. The pain of grief and loss can feel like no other. Although many of us understand intellectually that loss is an inevitable reality, when it happens the impact can rock our entire being to the deepest core.
What is Grief?
Grief is the emotional experience we feel when we are faced with a major loss in our lives. Grief can occur in the period before, during and after a death, or other significant loss. It is a mixture of emotions that emerge when death or loss is impending and in the period that follows. Although grief may seem unbearably painful, it is also part of a healing process.
Signs And Symptoms of Grief
Grief is a normal and healthy way of coping with a significant loss. Although each person’s expression of grief is unique, common signs and symptoms include:
Isolation, detachment, loneliness
Impaired concentration
Intense anger, sadness, guilt
Fatigue, exhaustion
Panic attacks
Disrupted sleep patterns
Avoidance of memories of the deceased
Preoccupation with the deceased
Ruminating on circumstances surrounding the loss
Pining, yearning
Suicidal thoughts and feelings
Stigmatized grief occurs when circumstances surrounding the loss involve events such as suicide, drug overdose, drunk driving, or death in the commission of a crime. Guilt, blame and social judgment can compound the grieving experience for loved ones who have experienced these kinds of losses.
Types of Losses
Besides the death of a cherished loved one, other types of losses that can trigger grief reactions include:
Reproductive losses: miscarriage, stillbirth, abortion, infertility
Relationship changes: divorce, parent relocation, estrangement
Natural Disasters: loss of property, community, safety
Mass casualties: terrorism, school shooting, accidents
Migration/displacement: loss of homeland, family
Unfulfilled life goals, roles, and expectations
Job loss: loss of reputation, income security
Life stage transitions: loss of hopes, dreams, vitality
Aging and age-related health issues
How Grief Therapy and Counselling Can Help
Grief counselling and therapy can help to create a personal pathway through the dense fog of grief. At Counselling Associates, we will meet you were you are and serve as compassionate guides on your grief journey. We provide an unhurried environment for you to:
Get support and understanding
Work through difficult emotions; acute grief reactions
Make sense of your thoughts and actions
Develop self-care practices
Connect to personal and professional support networks (e.g support groups)
Restore hope and find meaning in living
Grief Is A Journey We All Take. You Are Not Alone!
Although grief is a unique experience, it does not have to be isolating. Coping with the pain of grief can be more difficult when those you turn to for support are uncomfortable with your pain. At Counselling Associates, our experienced therapists will provide you with the compassionate support to help you move through your grief at a time and pace that is right for you.
“Grief Is In Two Parts. The First is Loss. The Second Is Remaking of Life. ”