Do You Have a Personal Issue that is Causing You to Feel Isolated and Alone?

Do You Have A Difficult Time Asking For Help? Showing Your Vulnerability?

Do Fear, Shame or Pride Prevent You from Showing Others the Real You?

Groups Build A Sense of Community And Connection

Life challenges can feel harder to endure when we feel isolated and alone. Human beings are wired to connect socially, but fear of rejection, judgment and shame often prevent us from seeking support - even during times when we need it the most. Research has shown that we are the healthiest and happiest when we have supportive, emphatic people in our lives.

Group therapy can be an important first step to help you build connections if you don’t already have a support network to whom you can turn.

What is Group Therapy?

Group therapy or counselling is a specialized form of psychotherapy offered in a group format. It typically involves one or more therapists working with several people at the same time to address a shared issue or concern. Groups give participants opportunities to express difficult feelings, share personal experiences and learn new ways of coping in a safe, supportive setting.

Group therapy offers guidance and a sense of community not typically present in individual therapy. It can be used as a stand-alone format or paired with individual therapy.

Who Is Group Therapy For?

Group therapy can be an effective form of therapy for people whose personal challenges and mental health issues make it difficult to cope with daily life while accessing non-judgmental and unbiased support. Common issues addressed in group therapy include:   

  • Anger Management

  • Assertiveness training; setting boundaries

  • Managing Life Transitions, (e.g. midlife, divorce)

  • Coping with Anxiety and/or Depression

  • Healing Trauma (e.g sexual abuse, childhood abuse)

  • Improving Communication  

  • Strengthening Relationships

  • Managing Addictions

  • Coping with Grief and Loss

  • Support for Parents and Care-givers

  • Disordered Eating

  • Stress Management

Depending on the issue you are facing, group therapy can be an ideal choice for addressing your concerns and making positive changes in your life.

Benefits of Group Therapy

Besides being more affordable than individual therapy, group therapy provides a safe and supportive setting for you to:

  • Learn factual information about the issues you are seeking help for

  • Develop effective strategies for managing your specific challenges

  • Reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation

  • Give and receive support and feedback

  • Increase self-awareness and motivation to change

  • Improve communication and social skills

  • Identify and express needs and feelings

  • Become unstuck from unhealthy patterns

  • Develop and practice new coping skills and behaviours

Group therapy can help you achieve your goal of developing new skills, reducing isolation or finding your voice.  You can make the most of your group therapy experience with the professional guidance of a trained therapist and the support of others facing similar challenges.

Group Therapy Helps You Realize You Are Not Alone

Although each of us is unique with unique circumstances, group therapy serves as an important reminder that none of us are alone in our struggles. Connecting with others who have similar life challenges presents a unique opportunity to learn, grow and change.